Picking up where we left off in the last article, we may now discuss some occult facts about the political environment. If a proper map is not made then we are subject to whatever fanciful theory we come up with. In this sense, the observations I will be making can be verified ostensibly, you may use your imagination to think of when you have witnessed these things in your life. They will be supported by a “spiritual science” that comes from the various revelations of anthroposophy.
Many of my readers are familiar with language and mysticism, but not occultism. We will go over some preliminary facts first. These are findings that have been verified by myself, so at worst, you may assume this is simply what I witness within reality. Conjoined with what I have said earlier, it will not only be what is verifiable to me, but to those who have honest observations themselves, they may see it as well. (As we always say in generative anthropology, language must become ostensible. But we must be wary of making it too obvious.)
First, we will be working with all of the bodies the human form takes; all initiates recognize these. The physical body, the life body, body of desires and awareness, and the body of self consciousness (the ego).
If you look at how the human operates, you will notice that each of these can be viewed as ostensibly different than each of the other ones. For example, the forces of the physical world, while necessary for life, do not explain it. Life acts on its own principles, in relation to itself, and often goes in opposition to physical forces. We resist gravity and we destroy physical items to digest them and put them to use.
Each of these bodies tends to have a polarity associated with it: some are more inately spiritual, others materialistic. We can think of this more like a direction that each body takes. The body has a goal it tries to achieve, and this goal has a direction either to a lower manifestation or a higher manifestion. Much like a spiral ascending upward, each of these polarities, these goals, ebb and flow. This is how it appears to our outer surface being. Each of these bodies, in reality, contain both a material, literal manifestation, and a spiritual counterpart. The spiritual counterpart is what brings the literal manifestation into reality, and thus as well, each of these dance as they ascend upward and swap polarities.
Let us take a concrete example between men and women. Men and their bodies are very hardened, they are created materialistically. When we then look at their life bodies, and how they control their habits and growth, we find the opposite. Men throughout history have sacrificed themselves and sought after the spiritual life, the one that can accept death. Women are formed in the opposite way. Their bodies are made fluidly, they physically incarnate the beauty of the spiritual. They throughout history have spent their lives creating new life, thus the birthing process creates new material for the spiritual.
When we arise to the astral body, the body of desires and awareness, we must be ever more careful with our wording. As we grow into the higher members of our organism, the elements they contain become more alike than their differences. How do you determine the difference between feminine and male self-consciousness? You may think you know the difference but in reality the function of consciousness is the same in its actions, they just have different colourings.
I will use the term astral body, as it has more imaginative flavour to it, indicative of its actual reality—but feel free to read it as the body of awarenesses. For men, the astral body is more materialistic. What I mean by this is that it is focused primarily on the manifestation of desires and awarenesses; so consider in todays society the ideas of hustle culture, the focus on goals and objectives, this idea of the manifestation of desire and awareness. Where for women we see the reverse—it is in the idea of desire and awareness, the spirit of the astral body, that takes hold. Women in this way are connected more directly to the astral realm, which is in constant motion and fluidity. Men may think themselves more objective and logical because of this key difference. However, spiritually women are closer to the truth of how the astral form, the astral plane, actually operates.
Applying this same logic to self consciousness, we find that men tend toward how they have ascended their material positions, while women tend toward how they are incarnated with grace. And again, I am merely speaking in broad archetypal phrases here. The gradient of human life is far too complex to be pigeon-holed into one type of analysis. However, we can recognize polarities in our views and our consitution that might shed light on why we have certain proclivities to certain activities, to certain desires and wants. Anyone who reads the above, deeply, and unbiasedly will find it to be generally true.
Now, on a practical level, we must admit that none of this should diminish any freedom we might have. Women may complete traditionally male activities better than some males, and men may complete traditionally womanly activities better than some women. Especially in modernity we see such a gradient of how we can manifest our potentials, and even mixed constitutions. What I am phrasing above is, again, archetypal. It is meant for the “traditional” or “normal” male and female constitutions. This is not meant to be taken in such a way where we say, for example, “trans people must be faking it, and not living up to their potentials as men/women". This is fundamentally illogical. Due to our karma we may have a male life-force, that brings us to have a male body, but have a female self-consciousness and female awareness.
On a spiritual level, we should also note that each of these bodies is accompanied by their other pole. When we talk of the archetypes here, we are speaking of bodies and manifestations of one pole. It also works in such a way that the spiritual countenance of each body member is reversed. For example, remember how the life-forces within us go against physical forces? Indeed, death is simply the absence of life. Consider the male archetype, it is physically focused on manifestation, but the spiritual consequences of this are that the male encounters death more often. While this may seem to be a fact that the life-body seeks ascension, the opposite of manifestation, it also means that the physical form dissolves eventually. Thus completely contradicting the purpose of manifestation!
As humans we are the living paradox.1 To exist is to incarnate and manifest a spiritual ideal, which also faces its own doom. It is the goal of a proper spiritual path to thus shed light on the hidden way in which we can fulfil our proper duty in this life. If we try to resist this doom-force, we fall prey to an overt and excessive asceticism: we no longer even care to manifest in this life to begin with, we simply want enlightenment to escape the doom of material manifestation.
The only true way forward is to choose the middle path that balances both ascencion and manifestation. Now, that we have talked about the end result, I will present the political facts of these archetypes. For they are not just simply male and female, they are also right and left wing:
The more that one mediates on these facts the more one will realize that the assertions here are unbiased, and simply present the polarities as they occur in reality. This does not mean that we should shy away from any of these, for by ignoring each pole we only leave ourselves open to falling into the arms of another polarity we had not seen yet. Take this for example, lets say we are trying to beat our addictions. We focus so heavily and prejudicially on one addiction of ours, lets say smoking. But, in doing so, we end up going the other direction, and seek out addiction in other things, lets say, working out and such. If we took ourselves unbiasedly and simply, we may have had the humility to admit we have issues. By being humble and accepting that we fell addicting to cigarettes we might be more vigilant and accepting of ourselves the next time we get a craving for something else, other than cigarettes.
If you follow what we outlined in our last article, we may see these poles towards manifestation and ascension as the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic aspects of our being. Christ is offered as the balance between them, the alpha with which we base both poles in reference to, and the omega which can bring harmony between them.
This does not have to be an explicit relationship of Master-Servant with Christ, especially as theologians have distorted the image of the trinity nowadays. It is simple enough to seek an actual experience of the Christ impulse, where we feel ourselves to be in brotherhood with Christ, with his sacrifice and our own cross we must bear. This gets very much into a deeper topic, which we will continue in our next article.
Ancient shamans knew this intuitively. And one should read my Gender and Language article to understand this fact better. Many early shamans experience this fluidity in the spiritual realm. Once you go beyond your manifestation and you begin to experience the spiritual pole to your incarnation, the less certain you can be saying “I am just a man.” Of course, in our current culture, there are many reasons why we might feel confused about our incarnations. These are not always spiritual! Over abundance and over saturation, or illness, may cause us to experience a disconnect with the polarities in our body. As both spirit and matter, if we experience a loss of a part of our manifestation we often then feel the spiritual aspect. You can even consider the phantom limb effect as part of this truth.